We're sorry to see you go!
Canceling your CanIRank account is easy and doesn't require emailing or calling.
- Login to your CanIRank account and go to your Account Info page.
- Click the red "Cancel my account" link at the bottom of the page.
Confirm that you do indeed want to delete your CanIRank account.
Please note that canceling an Account is permanent. Once you've canceled we won't be able to restore all of your account data (Reports, Keyword Ideas, Action Recommendations, etc.), so please be sure that you're done with your SEO work with CanIRank before canceling.
Finally, if you're unsure about canceling, or perhaps you still want to improve your rankings but just need a little help getting things going, then please don't hesitate to contact us (matt AT canirank.com or via this support portal) to see if we can work out an alternative. We're a small company and therefore quite flexible, so let me know your "I wouldn't cancel if X" scenario and I'll do my best to work something out!